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About us! 

We created this marketplace platform to help Moroccan artisan present their piece of art worldwide and reach buyers directly without the need or help of local intermediaries. This will ensure that the weaver will get accredit for his/her work properly and get paid fairly 

Our Story

This is Fatima, one of our independent network artisans. She received more money in her first payment rug sale than she could have earned in three years from the middleman.
Due to their lack of education, the majority of Local Moroccan Artisan including Fatima struggle to keep up with the advance technology and take advantage of online marketing. As a result many of them find themselves coerced to sell their valuable piece of art to local markets for fractions of what it actually worth. Later, these local shops or middlemen resell their products at much higher price in a local touristic market and they keep most of the profit to themselves. This is what inspired us create this marketplace in order to help these artisans in our tribal community selling their crafts directly to the consumer without intermediaries. Both the consumer and artisans can benefit from our business models by only  eliminating any middleman,When you purchase products from MarBazaar, be assured the artisan receives more money from us than from anyone in the country.

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For Buyers:  Bring you the best quality textiles good at very affordable price and Offer transparent and simple pricing . 
For Artisan: Promote fair trade, and access sufficient wealth  to improve their quality life and support their families, 


Our product comes straight from local artisans, this mean cheaper prices and no commission is being paid to intermediaries.  This allowed us to pass great saving into our customers and fairly accredit the artisan for his work.

How MarBazaar works!

We help artisans by taking charge of their product storage, shipment fulfillment , marketing, Photography and customer service . We cover our expenses by a portion of the item sold and pass the remaining directly to the maker.